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Bay Area Black Artists
In partnership with Pacific Felt Factory, we are hosting this list of Bay Area Black artists. We hope it can be used as a resource for curators, gallerists, and art enthusiasts to discover, include, and support local Black talent.
Black Lives Matter
Root Division stands against deep-rooted systemic racism. We acknowledge our ongoing need for open dialogue, continued growth, and increased equity -- nationally, locally, and within our own organization. As part of this process, we dedicate ourselves to be active listeners, learners, and visionaries for anti-racism, using our organization as a platform to amplify voices for justice. Click through to read our full statement.
Diasporic Futurism
OpenMediaVault Leah King & Juan Carlos Rodríguez Rivera
Exhibition Dates: Jul 13, 2023 to Aug 8, 2023
Digital Experiences
We’re excited to release the first of many online classes, workshops, and demos so that you can get creative at home. Check out the current offerings and stay tuned for more to come!
New Growth 2023
In honor of what would have been our 15th Annual New Growth: Youth Education Showcase & Free Family Arts Workshop this May, we're bringing you clips from the classrooms to brighten your days. Root Division’s Youth Education Program trains and places artists to teach free art classes in 9 after school partner sites. Check out some pieces of our showcase and stay tuned for more to come!
Root Division Coloring Book
Stay creative while staying at home!!! The Root Division Coloring Book is a showcase of the unique and diverse roster of Studio Artists at Root Division. We will be updating this page with new digitized drawings every week. Download new pages weekly right here >>>
Take a (virtual) art class!
Root Division's Adult Education Program offers highly innovative and affordable art classes. Root Division's Studio Artists, as well as other Bay Area professional artists, guide students through a variety of art processes. The classes and workshops are the perfect length for the busy and non-committal, while allowing enough time for students to leave with a handmade masterpiece and sense of accomplishment.
Updates re: COVID-19
Per the City & County of San Francisco’s Shelter in Place mandate, Root Division’s office and gallery are closed through June 30 or until further notice, and the Summer 2023 classes will all be hosted virtually. The Root Division staff team is working remotely, and general inquiries can be sent to Thanks for your patience, understanding, and continued support during this unprecedented time. - The Root Division Team

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Important Update

Per the City & County of San Francisco’s Shelter in Place mandate, Root Division’s office and gallery are closed through July 31 or until further notice, and the Summer 2023 classes will all be hosted virtually. The Root Division staff team is working remotely, and general inquiries can be sent to Thanks for your patience, understanding, and continued support during this unprecedented time. - The Root Division Team


Check out our Square Store to shop for art from our Studio Artists and current exhibition as well as Root Division merchandise and publications!

Studios Program

Artists receive discounted studio space in exchange for volunteering in the community.

Take An Art Class!

OpenMediaVault插件简介-小叶白龙博客:2021-6-13 · openmediavault-clamav 简介:开源的防病毒软件,可伍一定程度保护系统安全,本人是装了该软件,有甚于无嘛。 openmediavault-netatalk 简介:可伍设置支持Apple Talk 协议的的共享,本人没水果机,该功能没研究过。 openmediavault-lvm


View current open calls, fellowships, internships, and other opportunities.

2nd Saturday Exhibition Series

We showcase innovative artwork in an engaging environment by over 350 artists annually.


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